On April 28, 2001, a handful of seasoned believers formed a company of Adventists now known as Heritage SDA Church in Queens, New York. These pioneer believers included five ordained elders and their spouses. For a period of seven years, they worshipped at rented places from Sunday churches. The monthly rents climbed steadily from $500 to $1500.
As Heritage moved from place to place, the membership grew. Today, over 86 members are on record. There are more than 125 worshippers in attendance every Sabbath. This membership growth and increased benevolent giving, based on the providence of the Lord, enabled Heritage to acquire its own property on February 27. 2008. From then on, the monthly mortgage of a little over $4, 400 has been faithfully met. This property, which was purchased at a little less than one million dollars, consists of three lots: one has a spacious building and the other two are currently being used for parking. It is hoped that in the very near future, the entire facility will be developed into a magnificent worship center with a state-of-the-art sanctuary. In this proposed center, there will be both evangelical and community- based initiatives.
The growth of Heritage as a Seventh-Day Adventist Church is worth mentioning. It took only two years for the company of believers to be organized as a mission of the Northeastern Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists (NEC) on April 26, 2003. Six years later, on May 30, 2009, Heritage was organized as a full-fledged church into the brotherhood of worldwide Seventh-day Adventist denomination. Within the local conference, Heritage is well-known and respected. During the 2007 NEC camp meeting, the Heritage youth were selected to present a musical rendition. In the Fall of 2010, the Heritage Junior Youth Division represented the NEC in International Bible Bowl Competition held in Canada and won first place. It is hoped that by the grace God, Heritage will continue to grow and remain strong in the Lord.
Now, Heritage is about to embark on building a worship center for the Lord, beginning Spring of 2017. We are counting on the kind support and faithfulness of co-laborers like you to help make this noble project a reality. THANK YOU!
As Heritage moved from place to place, the membership grew. Today, over 86 members are on record. There are more than 125 worshippers in attendance every Sabbath. This membership growth and increased benevolent giving, based on the providence of the Lord, enabled Heritage to acquire its own property on February 27. 2008. From then on, the monthly mortgage of a little over $4, 400 has been faithfully met. This property, which was purchased at a little less than one million dollars, consists of three lots: one has a spacious building and the other two are currently being used for parking. It is hoped that in the very near future, the entire facility will be developed into a magnificent worship center with a state-of-the-art sanctuary. In this proposed center, there will be both evangelical and community- based initiatives.
The growth of Heritage as a Seventh-Day Adventist Church is worth mentioning. It took only two years for the company of believers to be organized as a mission of the Northeastern Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists (NEC) on April 26, 2003. Six years later, on May 30, 2009, Heritage was organized as a full-fledged church into the brotherhood of worldwide Seventh-day Adventist denomination. Within the local conference, Heritage is well-known and respected. During the 2007 NEC camp meeting, the Heritage youth were selected to present a musical rendition. In the Fall of 2010, the Heritage Junior Youth Division represented the NEC in International Bible Bowl Competition held in Canada and won first place. It is hoped that by the grace God, Heritage will continue to grow and remain strong in the Lord.
Now, Heritage is about to embark on building a worship center for the Lord, beginning Spring of 2017. We are counting on the kind support and faithfulness of co-laborers like you to help make this noble project a reality. THANK YOU!
MISSIONThe mission of the Heritage Seventh-day Adventist Church is to proclaim the saving gospel of Jesus Christ and of His second coming, starting with our kindred and then spreading it to the uttermost parts of the world.
THEMESpiritual and Professional Excellence.
This theme is our set standard for attainment of our goals and objectives for accomplishment of our mission. |
GOALS AND OBJECTIVES1. To promote the message of Adventism locally, nationally and beyond the borders of this great nation through evangelism, Christian education, and community service.
2. To foster and educate our children and young adults in our way of worship in spirit and in truth, while preserving our ethnic identity. 3. To establish a Heritage Seventh-day Adventist Church home here in Queens, as a center for the advancement of Adventism and community outreach to our backslidden brothers and sisters, non-Adventists as well as for nurturing our prosperity. |